SweeperMeter - Examples

Other useful pages

The SweeperMeter User Guide

SweeperMeter Kit product page, where you can buy SweeperMeter kits.

SweeperMeter Kit Construction instructions.

SweeperMeter Technical Details.

Connecting to the SweeperMeter

The maximum voltage ever permitted on the sense/data line is the supply voltage to the SweeperMeter. For example, you must not directly connect a 5v Arduino to a 3v (e.g. Battery Powered) SweeperMeter. In these cases, a simple Resistor Divider can be used:

This divider ensures that only a safe 2.5v will be seen on the sense/data line. This resistor divider can be used for both the serial communication method (for uploading user defined patterns) and for the special 16-bit control data.

In the sketches provided below, pin D1 is used to communicate with the SweeperMeter. Please make sure to use a resistor divider (or other level converter) if neccesary.

Warning: Do no connect any transmitting device (e.g. Arduino) to a SweeperMeter whilst it's configured to transmit and is running in the Sweeper Mode. Damage may occur if you do.

It is always safe to connect to the SweeperMeter whilst it's in the Display Mode or in the Setup pages.

User Defined Pattern Import

This very simple sketch repeatedly squirts out the appropriate serial data on D1. Each byte in the array is a single frame of LED data.

Reminder: Do not connect a transmitting Arduino to a transmitting SweeperMeter running the 'Sweeper Mode'.


Controlling the SweeperMeter

This sketch sends control signals to the SweeperMeter to directly control it LEDs.

Reminder: Do not connect a transmitting Arduino to a transmitting SweeperMeter running the 'Sweeper Mode'.